Normally, all gigs and hour submissions go through the platform. You may be enthusiastic about the freelancers, wanting them to return again tomorrow. This can be done through the official route by posting a new gig on the platform. Or you both agree to work ‘outside’ the platform.

What does this mean for you as a client?

  • When working outside the platform, it is your own responsibility to ensure that everything runs smoothly. If problems arise, we can do less for you; 
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that all details reach us correctly and completely;
  • The payment of the freelancer can take longer because more administration is involved;
  • The gig is not registered on the platform and you will therefore not receive a rating. This can be a missed opportunity because a good rating increases the chance of reactions for your future gigs!

If you still want to work outside the platform, it is important that the freelancer informs us about the number of hours worked, and that you accept them. After approval of the hours, the payment process follows.