Freelancers can choose from two payment options. After completing the gig, they submit their hours worked in the app and indicate their preferred payment method. The options are:

Early payment | When the freelancers select this option, YoungOnes takes over their debtor risk. We advance the amount and ensure that the freelancer is paid within three working days. For this service, the freelancer pays 2.9% of their invoice value to YoungOnes.

Waiting for the client to pay | When freelancers select this option, they will be paid as soon as you have transferred the amount to us. The advantage of this service is that it is free for freelancers. In most cases, clients have a payment period of 14 days and in some cases 30 days. Your average payment period is displayed in your profile. It gives the freelancers an indication but offers them no guarantee that payment will be made within the payment period. Keep in mind that if payments are made after the payment period, this can affect your rating, so try to make the payment as soon as possible. When the payment period has expired and the freelancers have not yet received payment, they can contact you.

If problems arise, you can contact